Voucher vs Coupon: Which to Offer in Tours and Attractions?
Understand the core differences between vouchers and coupons. Discover which is more effective in marketing tours, activities, and attractions.FeaturedHow to Add Users, Restrict Access, and Configure Supplier Notifications
Date Updated: January 2, 2025 Got new team members or need to tweak who sees what? No problem! This guide will show you how to add users, set access levels, and configure supplier notifications in TicketingHub. It’s like being the captain of your ship—delegating tasks while keeping everything under control. Let’s dive in!Some readersHow to Enable Notifications for Users
Updated: February 23, 2025 Ever had a teammate miss an important booking update or refund request? Keeping everyone informed is crucial to smooth operations, and with TicketingHub’s user notifications, you can make sure the right people get the right updates—without flooding their inboxes with unnecessary alerts. Here’s how to enable notifications for your team in just a few clicks:Few readersCome creare codici coupon
In questa sezione vi mostreremo come utilizzare i Coupon. In TicketingHub esistono due tipi di coupon. Coupon multiuso che può essere utilizzato più di una volta per i social media e il marketing. Codici a uso singolo che possono essere utilizzati una sola volta e sono spesso utilizzati per le campagne di marketing via e-mail. Accedere al proprio account TH Cliccate su "Coupon". Cliccate su "Crea nuovo coupon". Creare un nome di codice (es.: ApPochi lettoriHow to Change Your Password
Date Updated: January 2, 2024 Need to update your TicketingHub password? Whatever the reason, we’ve got you covered. This quick guide will show you exactly how to change your TicketingHub password in just a few clicks. Let’s get it done in no time!Few readers